CAMPUS Office supports exporting your schedule for a semester as iCal file. But whenever you'll update an event of your schedule (or your professor does), there won't be any updates on your devices, as there is no synchronization between the devices and the CAMPUS Office server.

However, with some magic, the download URL of CAMPUS Office can be converted to a live subscription iCal feed, causing your calendar to refresh for updates in CAMPUS Office. URLs generated by this tool may be used by any common calendar software or web services like Google Calendar as calendar feed.


Your credentials will not be uploaded to this server. Your calendar software will get its updates directly from your university's CAMPUS Office server. However, if you don't trust the owner of this server, you may download Cocal and run it on your local machine.

You must not pass the generated URL on to anyone, since it contains your personal CAMPUS login credentials and grants access to your personal CAMPUS Office account. Just copy it into your calendar software (or web service) but do not save it anywhere else.

If you accidentally passed the link or lost a device with a CAMPUS Office calendar feed subscription, you should immediately change your CAMPUS Office password.

Report a Bug

You found a bug or your university is not listed yet? Please file an issue at GitHub, so we can fix it as soon as possible.

Generate your calendar feed URL